Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

What is Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning? What all services do AWS, GCP and Azure offer? Read on to know more….


What is Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence simply means incorporating human intelligence into machines. It’s an academic division that gets machines to mimic human behavior and intelligence.

Examples of this include simple computer games that an individual can play with the machine/computer as their opponent. Artificial intelligence is the output produced by the computer based on certain preset conditions. The computer is doing something intelligent, so it’s exhibiting an artificially developed intelligence.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning simply means teaching computers to learn like humans. It’s a sub division of Artificial Intelligence that mimics the process by which humans learn. Humans feed an algorithm into the computer’s memory, that learns to make logical deductions and follow familiar patterns to respond.

Examples of this include simple fraud detection software offered by banking organizations to their customers. The machine/system is filled with some conditions based on which it analyzes if the transaction is being made by the owner or someone else. This is more complex than simply producing an output, since it mimics the way a human brain thinks. It’s not a simple calculation of 2+2=4 but analyzes why 2+2 is 4.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a much more complex subset of Machine Learning, that classifies information, identifies patterns, labels the information based on previous experience and compares it to similar data in order to make logical decisions. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are a common type of algorithmic deductions that machines use to mimic the way neurons work in the human brain, and make complex decisions like humans.

Examples of this include self driven car or chatbots. There are complex and spontaneous decisions made by these services that mimic the human brain’s thinking process. This helps them perform tasks like answering customers queries, drive a car or do work traditionally performed by human beings.

What all Services do Cloud Providers Offer?


AI Platform

This is a platform provided by GCP to build, deploy and manage machine learning models. It’s an end to end platform for data science and machine learning.

Cloud AutoML

This is a collection of machine learning products that enable developers with minimal machine learning expertise to train machine learning models according to their business needs.

AL Building Blocks

This is a product to easily add sight, language, conversation, and structured data into the GCP Cloud Applications.

AI Infrastructure

This is an offering for organizations to train deep learning and machine learning models cost-effectively.


SageMaker Studio

Amazon SageMaker Studio is a fully integrated environment that provides organizations with simple tools to build, train and deploy machine learning models.

Amazon SageMaker Autopilot

This is an automated machine learning capability that provides visibility and insight into a user’s machine learning models

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

This product provides pre-built interfaces and workflows for managing and building different datasets towards machine learning

Amazon SageMaker Neo

This product helps developers to train and deploy machine learning models anywhere in the cloud


Azure Machine Learning Platform

This is a product that provides organizations with a platform to build, train and deploy machine learning models. It offers visual interfaces to combine open-source or pre-built models via drag-and-drop interface.

Azure Bot Service

This is a simple bot development environment provided to organizations, with pre-defined templates and tools.

Azure Cognitive Search

This is an AI powered searching capability for users to quickly extract insights from their content



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GCP AI/ML Services and Products -

Azure AI/ML Services and Products-


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